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Write Lady's Blog offers assorted topics (many in the form of personal stories) about communicating. Please contact us if you would like to request a copy of a previously published article that you cannot find online, suggest a subject to cover, or share your views.

The Downfall of False Equivalences
What’s wrong with comparing two different things to make a point? Drawing parallels between A...

Read the Room
When people say, “Read the room,” what comes to your mind? Although the opposite can...

A Gift for a Stranger
When have you selected gifts for people you didn’t know? Maybe some of the following...

Alligators as Pets
What do you think of adopting an alligator as a pet? Decades ago, souvenir shops...

Word Games
Do you enjoy playing word games? When it comes to word challenges like Bananagrams, Wordle,...

Watch the Grass
Have you ever had positive feelings about something until encountering a reason to be leery...

A Lingering Taste
When have you taken a bite of a food that you’d typically appreciate based upon...

The Best Comeback
A harsh reality hit me when I was seven years old. My next-door neighbor "Jennifer,”...

Is the Customer Always Right
Is “the customer is always right” an outdated principle? While growing up in my parents’...

Will the Welcome Mat Disappear
How often has a friendly sales representative treated you like royalty—until the business had your...

You Never Asked for It
Are you often annoyed or inconvenienced by pointed and/or inappropriate questions? Many would agree that...

Games of Engagement
Do you often need to repeat yourself because your so-called listeners completely or partially miss...

She Never Predicted My Reaction
When have you been most surprised by someones verbal response? Did the individuals words or...

Insurance 101 for College Students
Have you ever studied risk management? As a marketing major, I took the mandatory college...

The Trick to Conjure More Content
Here's a confession: I did not enjoy writing stories when I was a kid. Why?...

The Word Count Challenge
Who hasn't been challenged to produce a certain number of written words or to speak...

The Properties of Glue
Have you ever witnessed or experienced the degradation of a family, business, or other group...

Left to Their Own Devices
''School's out for summer!'' During my teen years, Alice Cooper's iconic and, yes, rebellious ''School's...

When to Interrupt
Is it rude to divert or pause a conversation or presentation by injecting questions or...

Sounds Like White Noise
Have you ever marveled over someone's overt ability to ignore a disruptive noise that distracted...

Should You Engage
How do you determine if someone's intentions to engage with you are: to explore a...

Highlight Your Problems
When have you been positive that you carefully reviewed something you wrote and later spotted...

When Grandma Wrote to Santa
Who speaks on your behalf? A highly self-sufficient individual might say, "I do all my...

The Secret to Service
What is the secret to providing a service that yields utmost satisfaction to recipients? Is...

The Vanishing Treats
Did you trick-or-treat as a child? Whether a fan of Halloween or not, grownups can...

The Wonders of Words and Water
What do words and water have in common? Not much? Words are intangible. While the...

The Essence of Whee
When is the last time you heard someone exclaim whee, pronounced like we with the...

It Broke
"It broke!" proclaim countless children every single day. Translation: "This thing broke all by itself....