Power of Words

Alligators as Pets
What do you think of adopting an alligator as a pet? Decades ago, souvenir shops...

Word Games
Do you enjoy playing word games? When it comes to word challenges like Bananagrams, Wordle,...

The Best Comeback
A harsh reality hit me when I was seven years old. My next-door neighbor "Jennifer,”...

Will the Welcome Mat Disappear
How often has a friendly sales representative treated you like royalty—until the business had your...

You Never Asked for It
Are you often annoyed or inconvenienced by pointed and/or inappropriate questions? Many would agree that...

She Never Predicted My Reaction
When have you been most surprised by someones verbal response? Did the individuals words or...

The Properties of Glue
Have you ever witnessed or experienced the degradation of a family, business, or other group...